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Scalar multiplication.

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Q: Which method will give the same result if applied repeatedly for the same vectors added?
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How do you use the parallelogram method to add more than two vectors?

Use the parallelogram method to add two of the vectors to create a single vector for them;Now use this vector with another of the vectors to be added (using the parallelogram method to create another vector).Repeat until all the vectors have been added.For example, if you have to add V1, V2, V3, V4 do:Used method to add V1 and V2 to result in R1Use method to add R1 and V3 to result in R2Use method to add R2 and V4 to give final resulting vector R.

When a force equals its weight is applied on a body what is its acceleration?

The acceleration depends on the net force. So, you must add the forces together as vectors. The result in this case depends in what direction the force is applied.

Does the order of adding vectors affects the magnitude and direction of the vectors?

No. The order of adding vectors does not affect the magnitude or direction. of the result.

What is the minimum numbers of unequal vectors to result into a null vector?

Two vectors; V1 + V2=0 where V1= -V2, two opposite vectors.

Can the resultant of three vectors be zero also define is it possible for two vectors?

Yes. Any number of vectors, two or more, can result in zero, if their magnitudes and directions are just right. One vector can result in zero only if its magnitude is zero.

What is the resultant of a group of vectors if drawing them tip to tail produces close figures?

The result is a zero vector. If the sum of the vectors forms a closed figure, the vectors sum to zero.

What Is the net result of a combination of two or more vectors?


Multiplying or dividing vectors by scalars results in what?

The result is a vector.

What is the product of two vector quantities?

It depends on the type of product used. A dot or scalar product of two vectors will result in a scalar. A cross or vector product of two vectors will result in a vector.

Can the resultant magnitude of 2 vectors be smaller than either of the vectors?

Yes. As an extreme example, if you add two vectors of the same magnitude, which point in the opposite direction, you get a vector of magnitude zero as a result.

What is the result of two displacment vectors having opposite directions?

It is a displacement equal in magnitude to the difference between the two vectors, and in the direction of the larger vector.

What is the sum of to vectors?

A variety of mathematical operations can be performed with and upon vectors. One such operation is the addition of vectors. Two vectors can be added together to determine the result (or resultant). This process of adding two or more vectors has already been discussed in an earlier unit. Recall in our discussion of Newton's laws of motion, that the net force experienced by an object was determined by computing the vector sum of all the individual forces acting upon that object. That is the net force was the result (or resultant) of adding up all the force vectors. During that unit, the rules for summing vectors (such as force vectors) were kept relatively simple. Observe the following summations of two force vectors: