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The Bohr model is useful.

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Q: Which model is helpful when predicting how atoms might bond?
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Related questions

How is the Bohr's model of atoms helpful to scientists today?

The Bohr model remain useful to explain the atomic structure to nonspecialists or students in lower grades.

When might a bohr model of an atom be more helpful than an electron cloud model?

It will show precise location of electron during orbital.

What is the nickname for bohrs model of atoms?

the planetary model

What is a calotte model?

A calotte model is a space-filling model - a three-dimensional molecular model where the atoms are represented by spheres whose radii are proportional to the radii of the atoms.

The bohr model was inadequate because?

because it was only useful for predicting an element with only one electron

VSEPR theory is a model for predicting?

Positive ions in a crystal repel each other

How was bohrs atomic model similar to Rutherford's model?


What is a model that shows how the atoms are arranged in a molecule?

This is a structural model.

Who atomic model determined that an atoms positive charge is concentrated in the atoms center?

This is the Rutherford model.

In the regression model the predictor variable is useful in predicting the response variable provided that B1 equals 0?

Not useful

What types of atoms are shown in a skeletal model or an organic molecule?

These are atoms of carbon.

What types of atoms are shown in a skeletal model of an organic molecule?

These are atoms of carbon.