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It depends on the weight you're using. at your house etc.

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6y ago

It really depends on the movement. If you have a specific exercise we can give the specific muscle groups.

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Q: What kind of muscle contrction is lifting a weight?
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Do you usually gain or lose weight lifting weights?

This depends on the person and the kind of weight lifting you do. The short answer however is that lifting weights should help you to lose fat and gain muscle. If you are lifting heavily in order to gain muscle mass, you will gain weight. However, if you are lifting to get lean muscle, it should help to lose weight.

What kind of workout is best for building muscle AND losing fat?

An exercise routine that incorporates cardio and weight lifting is highly efficient at building muscle and burning fat.

Do you benefit by lifting weights once a week?

Yes. Especially muscles in your shoulders.

What kind of sports do Estonians' play?

Weight lifting.

What is the average weight for a boy that is sixteen?

Your height and other factors such as your body build(muscle mass) contribute to the ideal weight for your age. Most are about 155 pounds, though it will change drastically according to what kind of activities you do, such as weight lifting, sports, etc.

Approximately half of human body weight is composed of what kind of muscle tissue?

Approximately half of the human body weight is composed of skeletal muscle that is voluntarily controlled. It is also referred to as striated muscle.

Is weight lifting the strongest event in Olympics?

It depends because in most events you have to be strong in a different kind of way.

what kind of exercises can i do with weights?

There are many exercises you can do with weights, including weight lifting. Other than that, you can also lie down and do sit-ups with the added pressure of a weight to strengthen your core.

How do you gain 5 healthy pounds?

By gaining muscle mass! Try increasing the amount of protein that you intake per day. To find out how much protein that you are supposed to consume per day, multiply your current weight by 10, and that's how many grams of protein you should be consuming. Start lifting weights( a good way to start is by finding a weight to lift that you can comfortably lift for about 12 repititions, if you can easily do more than 12 reps, increase the amount of weight that you are lifting, this works for lifting in all muscle areas) It's best to consume protein after you workout, because it will help repair your muscle tissue and build it up, which will result in healthy weight gain because muscle weighs more than fat. Some good sources of protein are, fish(any kind of fish is good even canned tuna because it is generally low in calories and high in protein! I would suggest getting salmon if possible, if not, canned tuna in water is excellent), any kind of white meat, skim milk(milk is one of the best sources of protein out there, and has the same benefits as a protein shake!), and of course protein supplements.

What kind of weight should I use to increase muscle mass in my shoulders?

The following weight lifting exercises are designed to specifically target your shoulders, and will be most effective at building mass in that area: Upright Dumbbell shoulder press, Barbell Upright rows, Front Raises using a dumbbell, Rear Raises using cables and lateral raises using cables.

What could be wrong with you if you work out 3-5 days a week hard cardio not much weight lifting and eat a healthy diet but your still gaining weight.?

First of all there may or may not be something wrong with you. There are 300 pound football players with only 15 pounds of fat. A lot of their weight is muscle. There are even heavier sumo wrestlers with very little fat even though it does not look that way. It depends on what kind of weight you are gaining with your workout. Are you gaining fat or muscle? What kind of workout are you doing? Some type of running or bicycling will get the blood moving through your arteries. Exercises done at slow speed only burns carbohydrates as long as the liver has stores of carbohydrates. When your body picks up the pace, it starts burning fat. So, the questions remain, What kind of exercise are you doing and what kind of weight are you putting on?

What kind of muscle is the intestines?

the cardiac muscle