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Tendons: Pectoralis minor; Short head of Biceps Brachii; Caracobrachialis

Ligaments: Coracoclavicular ligaments (conoid, trapezoid ligaments); Coracoacromial ligament; Coracohumeral ligament

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Short head of Bicep Brachii

Pectoral Minor

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Q: Which muscles attach to the coracoid process?
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Which bone does the pectoral minor attach to?

The coracoid process of the scapula and 2nd thru fifth rib

Which muscles insert on the ulnar tuberosity?

The Coracoid process of the ulna is a triangular projection with a rough surface. The Coracoid process is the insertion site for the brachialis muscle.

What is the function of the coracoid process?

Together with the acromion, the coracoid process serves to stabilize the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint .

What two muscles attach to the xiphoid process?

Rectus abdominis and diaphragm muscles

What is the coracoid process?

The coracoid process is a small hook-like structure on the lateral edge of the superior anterior portion of the scapula

What muscle is inserted on coronoid process of ulna?

The Coracoid process of the ulna is a triangular projection with a rough surface. The Coracoid process is the insertion site for the brachialis muscle.

What is the large posterior process on the scapula?

Coracoid process!

Which bone has a Coracoid Process?

the scapula

What two muscles attach to the xiphiod process?

Rectus abdominis and diaphragm

Do muscles attach to other muscles?

Muscles do not attach to other muscles. They only attach to bone.

Can we palpate coracoid process?

Coracoid process can be palpated through anterior deltoid muscle one to two finger breadths below outer portion of clavicle