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It is not know which nationality consumes the most chicken per person per year. America is one of the largest consumers of chicken annually.

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Q: Where country consume more chicken?
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Canadians consume more of this than any other nation- What is it?

Canadian bacon

How do you write a hypotheses for two independent variables and one dependent variable?

Write multiple hypotheses. On average, I consume less than two daily servings of fruit. On average, I consume less than three daily servings of vegetables and less than one-third comes from dark green of orange vegetables. On a daily basis, I consume less that six daily servings of grain products. On average I comsume more than 10 percent of kcalories from saturated fats. On a daily basis, I consume more than 30 percent of kcalories form total fat. On a average, I consume more than 2400mg of sodium per day. On average, I do not meet the dietary recommendations of calcium per day. On average, I am not lacking in iron.

What country has the highest turkey consumption?

According to the USDA, the US consumes the most turkey on a per capita basis. Americans consume about 7 Kg of turkey per year.

How many people die a year from chicken?

I am a chicken dinner, my family is chicken dinners, everyone i know is a chicken dinner. ALL I KNOW IS CHIKIN Chicken is love chicken is life -Harry Dyer 2k14

Which country has the most vegetarians?

India has the most number of vegetarians. According to various sources (including Food and Agricultural Organization, UNO and United States Department of Agriculture, USA), about 30% (average of estimates) of Indian population is vegetarian. That means as of 2010 more than 300 million Indians are vegetarians. Indian vegetarians are rarely vegans and mostly lacto vegetarians (that is, vegetarians who consume milk, but not meat or eggs). There are substantial lacto ovo vegetarians (that is, who consume milk and eggs, but not meat), too.

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Is chicken nice for vegetarians to try?

Vegetarians are people who do not eat meat, so it would not be good for them to consume chicken, which is a type of meat.

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Yes. Especially poor ones. In a recent study they proved that individuals who consume a greater than average amount if chicken are more likely to consume malt liquor. they proved this by going outside.

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Do people in turkey like Turkey?

Turkey (poultry) is not that commonly consumed in Turkey (country). It is just a question of what proliferates in any given area. However, Turkey (country) does consume a lot of chicken and it would not be much of a stretch to say that Turks would eat and like turkey if it were served to them in traditional Turkish ways or even in more common Western ways.