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Q: Which north American territory owned by Spain before 1754 was acquired by Britain in the peace of 1763?
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Which north American territory owns by Spain before 1754 was acquired by the Britain in the peace of 1763?


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The territories acquired by the Louisiana Purchase. Texas. California, Arizona and New Mexico.

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The US did not buy Illinois specifically from the French before or after the Louisiana Purchase. Illinois was part of the larger territory acquired by the US through the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. The Louisiana Purchase included the entire Mississippi River Basin, which encompassed present-day Illinois.

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The American colonies, as we still call it.

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Britain only needed slaves to work plantations in the British colonies. They were not used in Britain itself. Britain abolished slavery well before American did.

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Alaska was a US Territory long before the Spanish American War.

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Spain owned Florida before the French and Indian war.

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In Britain, it was called "Pop Idol".

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the police , in puerto rico

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Great Britain blockaded the American coast to prevent U.S ships from exporting goods to France.

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It was a giant priority, since Britain was fighting over The New World Territory