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The majority of the Muslims belong to the Sunni group

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The most popular sects are Sunni and Shia

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Q: What divisions of Islam make up the majority of Muslims today?
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Majority of Moslems today are known as what?


What is the state of Islam today?

Islam is a religion. Nothing to worry about it. However, the Muslims (if they can be called Muslims) are in a very poor and deplorable condition.

Why is Egypt's religion is Islam?

Egypt's predominant religion is Islam because it was introduced to the region in the 7th century when Arab Muslims conquered Egypt. Over time, Islam became deeply ingrained in Egyptian society and culture. Today, the majority of Egyptians identify as Muslims and Islam is the official state religion.

Four places where a majority of Muslims live today?


What impact has Islam on the Muslims of today?

Muslims are good people. They believe they can become more social and bring more people into islam. It's a good religion!

Are most Muslims Sunni or shia?

The majority of Persians (today, that's Iran and Iraq) are Shia Muslims.

What are two current issues facing Islamic religion?

In my opinion the two largest questions facing Islam today are: 1: How can Islam respond to the non-Islamic West in ways which enable co-operation. 2: How will the majority of Muslims deal with the radicals in their midst.

Where is Islam located today?

Islam is a religon, not a country ok. And Muslims are located all over the world and in every inhabited continent.

Which group comprises about 85 percent of Islam today?

The Sunnah/Sunni group comprises about 83% of Muslims today. The other group, the Shi'ah/Shiites has around 16% of Muslims.

In what country do you see the influence of Islam or Muslims today?

There are about 57 independent Muslim states where Islam is practiced. The Muslims are also found in about all nook and corners of the world. Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt and Bengladesh are some of the Muslim countries where Islam enjoys great influence..

What were the names of the people who followed Islam?

People who follow Islam today are called Muslims. They were still called Muslims in Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) time, but his community of faithful were also called the ummah.

What does Islam represent to many Muslims today?

A complete religion and complete way of life. Muslims see it like that. And the only religion Allah accepts.