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Q: Which of the following is not a type of case heard in a civil court?
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When a court has both civil and criminal jurisdiction what does this mean?

It means that that court can hear both criminal or civil cases. Either a criminal case can be filed and heard in that court, OR a civil case can be filed and heard in that court. For instance: most(all?) state circuit courts fit this description.

What type of court deals with murder?

There are different categories of death. Therefore cases that involve a death may be heard in criminal or civil court depending on the circumstances. A case where a person died as a result of a car accident in which no one violated the law would be heard in civil court. A case in which someone purposely hit and killed someone with their car would be heard in criminal court.

Can civil cases be only heard by a judge?

YES.Not every type of civil case may be heard in federal court. Civil cases that involve no federal question may not be heard in federal court unless the federal diversity of jurisdiction statute applies to permit it. Civil cases such as divorce, probate and family matters are not heard in federal courts.

If you are denied without prejudice in a public hearing do you have to pay the fees again to be heard again?

In neither civil nor criminal court will the same case be heard twice, unless it can be shown that the decision was faulty, in which case you need to choose a new court (civil) or move up to a higher court like Appellate court (criminal) or Supreme court (criminal)

Is a court case the same as a court hearing?

If there is a court hearing it is because there is an unresoved court case to be heard.

Can you ask for a trial by jury for child custody case in Texas?

No, these matters are heard by a family court judge and are private civil matters

The matter could be heard in either state or federal court What factors should be taken into consideration when deciding which court to bring his case?

I would bring the case to state court, because if you bring the case to federal court it can't be heard again, but if you bring the case to state court then, if you lose, the case be appealed and heard again, if they chose to hear it, in supreme court then it can't be heard again if you lose again in supreme court.

If there is no jury in civil court what do they do?

If there is a non-jury trial then no jury is ever chosen or convened. The entire case is heard by a judge who will then render a verdict.

What case cannot be heard in a Court of Appeals?

a criminal case

How can you track if the judge has signed the divorce papers?

You should try contacting the court where the case was heard either by phone or in person.You should try contacting the court where the case was heard either by phone or in person.You should try contacting the court where the case was heard either by phone or in person.You should try contacting the court where the case was heard either by phone or in person.

How does a recent criminal conviction and incarceration of a defendant in a different case affect the proceedings of a civil case that is also in progress civil case on a different issue?

If the criminal conviction is unrelated to the civil claim, it is irrelevant. The difficulty with being held in custody is that because it may not be easy to attend court, the case may be heard in your absence.

When a case can be heard by only one court that court is said to have?
