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They all do ... but you may be thinking of plants - they don't need animals to survive but animals need plants.

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Q: Which of the living things need others to survive?
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Living things need to survive.?

Living things need air , food and water to survive

Living things need what to survive?

Living things need air , food and water to survive

How do living things survive?

Living things need four main things to survive in the world. Living things all need air, water, food, and shelter.

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The two qualities living things of the troposphere is the birds and humans so that living need to survive.

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The two qualities living things of the troposphere is the birds and humans so that living need to survive.

Why do living things need food water and a living place?

they all need it to survive

What all living things need?

all living things need to survive and to eat <3 All living things need to respire and reproduce.

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Which do all living things need to survive?

All living things need an energy source which may be provided by chemicals or light, an environment that does not poison, cook or freeze them and others of their species (if they are not single celled or asexual) to breed with.

How are all living alike?

all living things need the same things t survive

Do all living things need energy?

Yes all living things need energy, if they don't have they can't survive.

Describe the basic needs of all living organisms?

-living things need food for energy -living things need water in order to survive -living things need a suitable habitat to survive -living things exchange gases, when animals breathe in and out,its body is getting rid of carbon dioxide and is breathing in oxygen