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Q: Which of the renaissance paintings used the technique of sfumato to create a more realistic depiction?
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What new technique did artists use during renaissance what did it do?

Renaissance artists used value and perspective to make their paintings look more realistic and dynamic and life like

What are two Renaissance advances in painting?

In the Renaissance, paintings began to improve in perspective and the technique of foreshortening (the illusion of depth) was created.

What Mannerist technique is used in its depiction of the Madonna by Parmigianino?

The Mannerist technique is used in its depiction of the Madonna by Parmigianino is distortion.

What was a new technique in painting during the Italian renaissance?

The use of perspective, or depth, in the paintings. Instead of paintings being all flat and without real proportion, they began making objects in the back of the painting much smaller and objects in the front larger.

Why did Leonardo da Vinci create the technique known as sfumato?

To give objects in paintings a more realistic form by outlining them in "haze" instead of thick black lines

Look at this painting by Parmigianino. What Mannerist technique is used in its depiction of the Madonna?


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Who created oil painting?

Some form of oil painting was used for the first time to create Buddhist paintings in India and China, but the technique didn't really become popular until after the 15th Century, even becoming the most popular painting technique during the later Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

How did perspective influence renaissance artists?

Perspective allowed the artists to create images that looked real. Artists were able to construct an image that appeared to have depth, meaning that is it did like look flat on the canvas. The technique of making objects in the background smaller than the objects in the foreground generates a realistic, lifelike look within the painting. This led to the beginning and growth of realistic artwork during the Renaissance.

Which printmaking technique was commonly used to translate oil paintings to printed form?

Mezzotint was the printmaking technique commonly used to translate oil paintings to printed form.

How did Renaissance art differ from earlier periods in terms of painting technique?

Renaissance art differ from earlier periods in terms of painting technique Renaissance artists used oil paints on dry walls.

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