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Q: Which of these terms is defined as the combination of people places and activities with which you interact every day?
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What term is defined as the combination of people places and activities with wich you interact every day?


Which of these terms is defined as the combination of people places and activities with which we interact every day?


How do people interact with nature?

by helping one another and interacting with the inviroment.

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How do people interact with their environment in South America?

People interact with their environment in South America in various ways like logging, planting trees, urban development, utilization of natural resources and so much more. Human activities do more harm than good to the environment.

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Salamanders and newts do not directly interact with people but they need insects to live. Newts eat mosquitoes, flies and small bugs and the presence of these insects sometimes depends on human activities.

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What are three ways with interact environment?

People interact with the environment daily in lots of ways. Three ways they interact with the environment are: farming, planting or cutting down trees, and recreational activities like hiking, fishing, and swimming. Even going outside a home and taking a walk is interacting with the environment.

What are ways humans interact with environment?

People interact with the environment daily in lots of ways. Three ways they interact with the environment are: farming, planting or cutting down trees, and recreational activities like hiking, fishing, and swimming. Even going outside a home and taking a walk is interacting with the environment.

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how people in Bolivia interact with their enviroment

How people interact?

People interact by talking tl each other