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Q: Which of this is not one of the three great religions in the world?
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What three monotheistic now considered major world religions began in the Middle East and which one is the oldest?

Considered the great three religions, there is Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Judaism is the oldest.

Is judaism one of the three great religions of the world?

It depends on how you split the groups. As Christianity and Islam are both rooted in the Judaism, most people consider it one of the great religions of the world. These are the Abrahamic religions. Buddhism is more of an ethical system than a religion, but is considered one of the 3 major religions by most Sociologists. Hinduism (Centered in India) is the 3rd major religion.

How important is Christianity today?

It is one of the world's great religions.

First of the three world religions to believe in one god?

The Hebrew's Jewish faith = Judaism.

What is a good sentence for Islam?

Islam is one of the great religions of the world, and a person who believes in this religion is called a Muslim.

Does Christianity still exist today?

Yes, it does. Christianity in its various forms is one of the three major religions of the world.

How does having the sacred landmarks of three major religions in one city affect the world?

well, since three religions claim that they are the true religion, and the major holy city happens to be the same in all three religions, followers of each religion try to claim the city for their religion. they don't want to divide it up.

Tahosim list three other religions main religions and where they are practiced?

If you mean Taoism, then one of the other religions is Budhaism.

What is the one common goal of all major world religions?

One common goal of all major world religions is to attain salvation.

Did Judaism have any affects on Christianity and Islam?

The three religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are God religions. Hence, they are coming from the same source. Any similarity among the three religions are because of the three religions are coming from the same source and not because one religion affects the other two religions.

Is Judaism a small religion?

Judaism is one of the smaller of the world's great religions. However, Judaism is also historically very important, since it was the primary influence in the development of the world's two largest religions, Christianity and Islam. The great majority of the religious people of the world have been influenced by Jewish theology even though they are not actually Jews.

What is the difference between the 5 major world religions?

Major world religions include Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. We won't get into the less recognized religions here. These five major religions differ in one absolute way and that is the first three (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) are monotheist religions. Believers of these religions believe in only one supreme being (i.e. God in all three of these cases). While the those three are monotheist the other two (Buddhism and Hinduism) are polytheist. They believe in many supreme beings (i.e. gods and goddesses). This is the most broad answer for this question. If you need more detail please post.