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Q: Which one of the founding fathers was the most popular with the people?
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What is meant by Charles Beard's thesis that the founding fathers were a conspiratiorial economic elite?

What Beard meant when he said that the founding fathers were a conspiratorial economic elite, he simply meant that the founding fathers were out for the elite group of society. Most of the laws first set forth by the constitution were for the wealthy, not for the everyday people. The founding fathers were out for their own economic interests

Where were the founding fathers buried?

There is no central burial place for founding fathers such as some countries have for their kings. The individual founding fathers are buried in spots chosen by their families. Most are buried near their homes.

Where the founders people who opposed the articles of confederation?

The founding fathers were the people that wrote the articles of confederation. They most certainly were for the document they wrote.

What are facts about the founding fathers?

Interesting facts about founding fathers: Ben Franklin was not president, even though he is on the $100 bill. Also, he, like most people in his time, though fresh, nighttime air was bad. I don't know why.

What ancient governments inspired the founding fathers most?

greek and romans

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What was most of the founding fathers' political and economic status?

Most of the US's founding fathers were rather wealthy. They tended to be political figures and some had a military background. Many of the founding fathers in the South, like Washington and Jefferson were slave owners as well. Each of them were aware that their responsibilities were crucial as they were designing a new form of government.

In what city did the Founding Fathers write the Declaration and the Constitution?

Most of the effort in writing the founding documents took place in Philadelphia.

Where did the American founding fathers get most of their ideas about self-government?

From British traditions.

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What branch of the government did the founding fathers view as the most democratic?

House of representatives

Why did the founding fathers think most people were politically ignorant?

The founding fathers believed that most people were politically ignorant because they were concerned about the potential for mob rule and the manipulation of public opinion. They believed that an informed and educated citizenry was crucial for the success of a democratic system, and they did not have confidence that the general population would have the necessary knowledge and understanding of complex political issues.