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This works a lot better if you tell us what yoiu're allergic to, as opposed to us making a list of every pain med in the world and trying to figure out which one is an analog of another. Be glad to help - what's the allergy?

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Q: Which pain medications are related I'm allergic to some but want to know which others I can take?
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There are different types of anti-infammatory medications. There are steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). Cortisone is a steroid. Ibuprofen and Naproxen are types of NSAIDs. You need to know exactly what type of anti-inflammatory medication you are allergic to.

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You are here! There are others of course. You will find URLs for some in the related links section, below. Add others to the related links if you know them.

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That would be illegal and also very dangerous since you don't know how their bodies would react. Some people have allergic reactions to certain medications and die. This is why a doctor is involved when you get them.