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the tapetum lucidum is what reflects the light

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Q: Which part of a cat's eye reflects light?
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What part reflects the microscope light?

Mirror - It is used to reflect light through the object and lenses of the eye.

How do cats see in dim light?

cats can see in dim light because when a little amount of light enters the eye, a piece at the very back of the eye acts like a mirror and reflects the vision to a piece of muscle just at the back of the eye and they would get a better sight of what's around them. (interesting fact about cats : did you know that some cat's eyes can glow in the dark?)

How long can a cat eye glowing?

A cats eye only glows in the dark, at night. It reflects any light to get the glow. It is helpful for oncoming animals, people, and even cars. The eye gathers the light, just like when our pupils grow and shrink onto oncoming light.

If an object emits or reflects light?

It can be seen by the eye.

Is a cats eye a source of light?

No, a cat's eye is not a source of light unlike some animals, for example, fireflies. A cat's eye only reflects back some of the incoming light. This reflective layer is behind the nerve cells that detect light and allows them a second chance to react to light. As you may have noticed, a lot of light comes back out.

What structure found in a nocturnal animal's eye reflects light?


How does light behave when it reflects off a surface?

The light bounces of a surface and into your eye so you can see the object.

What part of your eye needs light to function efficiently?

The part of the eye that reacts to light is the retina.

What is a red eye spot in a chlamydomonas?

It's the part of the chlamydomonas cell which detects light in order to photosynthesise. It's reflective and when the light reflects of the spot the cell is able to move towards it.

How does someone see color?

I THINK it's by the retina in your eye. Sun light(or any types of light) reflects on the object into your eye. And the retina in your eye sends messages the your brain. (I THINK)

A mirror reflects light to form an image on what?

on the retina of ur eye......its an virtual image....

What part of the eye functions to bend light rays?

The Lens is the part of the eye that bends light rays .