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The valence electrons are the part that takes place in a chemical reaction.

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Q: Which part of an atom or ion takes part in a chemical reaction?
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What part of the atom takes part in chemical reaction?

The electrons

What part of the atom takes part in a chemical reaction?

Only the valence electrons

What parts of an atom participate in chemical reactions?

When an element reacts with another element, they form a compound. How a compound is formed has to do with the number of valence electrons. The valence electrons are the electrons which are held in the outer most energy level.

What part of the atom bonds in a chemical reaction?

the valence electrons

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What part of an atom is use in a chemical reaction?

Electrons - the valence electrons

Which sub-atomic particle creates chemical reaction?

Proton and Neutron do not take part in chemical reaction. Only electron takes part in the reaction.

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What substance takes part in a chemical reaction easily?

8 letters

What is the smallest part of a chemical element that can be combined with other elements to form compounds?

An atom. However it should be noted that generally the valence electrons in an atom take part in a chemical reaction.

What parts of an atom can change during a nuclear reaction that can't change in a chemical reaction?

the number of protons and neutrons

Where in the atom are the electrons that are used to form bonds located?

The electrons that participate in chemical bonds are located in the "valence shell" or outer energy level of that atom. They are known as the valence electrons, and they are the only part of the atom that participates in a chemical reaction.