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frontal lobe

however speaking is part of broca's area located in the frontal lobe, hearing is temporal lobe

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a cerebrum b brain stem c cerebellum dmedula oblongata

by : garde

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Q: Which part of the brain controls the ability to memorize read write hear and speak?
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What part of the brain gives you the ability to speak?

Broca's area is a region of your brain around your left temple which is believed to be the seat of your ability to speak.

What jobs are carried out by the brain?

The brain does ALOT. It carries out your thoughts, it contains your memory. It controls your ability to speak, hear and feel. In addition, it sends nerve impulses to the bones and muscles of your body. It allows you to see the answer that I am typing. The brain also controls hormones released into your body and how much of it is released.

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The inability to speak is known as aphasia.

What is it called when a stroke patient loses the ability to speak because of the loss of blood flow to the brain?

The inability to speak is known as aphasia.

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Nothing physical is needed, but a good brain, education, and the ability to speak.

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Does a fish have a brain?

Yeah, a rudimentary brain that controls basic functions of life. __________ I think they don't have a brain. ______________________________________________________________

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Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder, affecting one's ability to speak. This is usually caused by strokes and head or brain injury as it affects the brain's ability to control and coordinate the muscles required to produce sound and speech.

What separates modern humans from all predecessors and animal relatives?

We humans have a very advanced brain and we can walk on two legs what most animals can't do we also have the ability to speak which no animal has the ability to do

What is the medical term that means inability to write words?

I believe that is 'aphasia' , and it can also impede the ability to speak coherently

Loss of the ability to read?

Aphasia is the loss of the ability to speak, loss of language comprehension and reading and writing abilities. It is usually caused by damage to the cerebrum, usually after a stroke, or seizure, or it can be due to a brain tumor.

What part of the brain reads?

The cerebrum provides the ability to read, write, speak, make calculations and compose music. Remember the past, plan for the future and to create.