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Prophase 1 is the phase of meiosis ll when the homologous pairs combine. It is also when centrioles seperate, spindle fibers are formed, the nuclear envelope disappears, and the chromosomes become visible.

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Q: What phase of meiosis does each replicated chromosome pair with its corresponding homologous chromosome?
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What happens at the conclusion of meiosis 1?

Homologous chromosomes are separated.

After meiosis I each daughter cell contains Please explain why one chromosome of each homolog is incorrect I added my reasoning to the answer this question?

Homologous chromosomes (also called homologs or homologues) are chromosome pairs of approximately the same length, centromere position, staining pattern, with genes for the same characteristics at corresponding loci. In meiosis I, the chromosomes are duplicated first then the homologous pairs separate together. Sections of the DNA can sometimes cross over between homologous pairs. Later, during Meiosis II, these pairs are separated into the gametes with only one of each pair. If you said there was only one chromosome, you are thinking of the final result of meiosis.

What is another name for a chromosome?

Homologous chromosomes are chromosome pairs of the same length, centromere position, and staining pattern, with genes for the same characteristics at corresponding loci. One homologous chromosome is inherited from the organism's mother; the other from the organism's father.[1]

What is the number of cell division in meiosis?

2 Cell divisions. The first, meiosis I, separates the homologous chromosomes after allowing for crossing over. The second, meiosis II, separates each chromosome by splitting them by their telomeres!

How many different possible combinations are there for a cell that has 10 chromosomes 5 pairs?

5.Meiosis reduces chromosome number from diploid (2n) to haploid (n).There must be one copy of either the paternal or maternal of EACH chromosome (one of the two homologous chromosomes) for each chromosome.The ten total chromosomes are replicated into 10 pairs of sister chromatids, 5 homologous PAIRS of chromosomes.After Meiosis I, the homologus PAIRS are separated into two daughter cells (Reducing 2n to n), but sister chromatids are still intact.After Meiosis II, Sister chromatids of each of the two cells divide, forming 4 haploid cells, 5 chromosomes.

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The process where replicated homologous chromosomes are linked to form tetrads is called?

Meiosis Stage II.

What happens at the conclusion of meiosis 1?

Homologous chromosomes are separated.

After meiosis I each daughter cell contains Please explain why one chromosome of each homolog is incorrect I added my reasoning to the answer this question?

Homologous chromosomes (also called homologs or homologues) are chromosome pairs of approximately the same length, centromere position, staining pattern, with genes for the same characteristics at corresponding loci. In meiosis I, the chromosomes are duplicated first then the homologous pairs separate together. Sections of the DNA can sometimes cross over between homologous pairs. Later, during Meiosis II, these pairs are separated into the gametes with only one of each pair. If you said there was only one chromosome, you are thinking of the final result of meiosis.

What is the exchange of a corresponding segment between homologous chromosomes?

It would appear you are speaking of crossing over which takes place in Prophase I of meiosis.

What is the DNA chromosome called that breaks off and reattaches to a homologous chromosome that is paired up in meiosis?

This is a type of mutation called translocation.

What is another name for a chromosome?

Homologous chromosomes are chromosome pairs of the same length, centromere position, and staining pattern, with genes for the same characteristics at corresponding loci. One homologous chromosome is inherited from the organism's mother; the other from the organism's father.[1]

When do homologus chromosomes occur short answer please thankss?

Homologous chromosomes occur during meiosis. Meiosis reduces the chromosome number by half.

During what phase of meiosis do replicated homologous chromosomes line up next to each other at the cell's equator-?

It is during the anaphase of meiosis that the replicated homologous chromosomes line up next to each other at the cell's equator.

Is homologous chromosomes only present in cells that undergo meiosis?

Usually they dont as homologous chromosomes form bivalents with other homologous chromosomes and crossing over occurs between the 2. But if a chiasmata does form between the t homologous chromosomes they can change information.

What is the major focus of meiosis 1?

The major focus of meiosis 1 is to reduce the chromosome number by half. This is achieved through the processes of homologous chromosome pairing, crossing over, and separation of homologous chromosomes. Meiosis 1 results in two haploid cells with unique combinations of genetic information.

How many divisions are there in meiosis?

Meiosis consists of two separate divisions : meiosis 1 and meiosis 2Meiosis 1 : members of each homologous pair of chromosomes separate.Meiosis 2 : the two cromatids of each chromosome separate.

What is the significant of meiosis sexual reproduction?

Meiosis forms sex cells (eggs and sperm). Meiosis randomly rearranges the genes on chromosomes through crossing-over of chromatids of homologous chromosomes. Meiosis reduces the chromosome number from two sets to one set maintaining a constant chromosome number in the offspring