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Anaphase 1 (Meiosis)

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Q: Which phase results in a change of ploidy from diploid 2n to haploid n?
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Which statement correctly describes how cellular DNA content and ploidy levels change during meiosis you and meiosis II?

DNA content is halved in both meiosis I and meiosis II. Ploidy level changes from diploid to haploid in meiosis I, and remains haploid in meiosis II.

What had happen to the ploidy at the end of the process of mitosis?

At the end of mitosis two daughter cells are produced identical to the parent cell. If the parent cell is haploid the daughter cell will be haploid. If the parent cell is diploid the daughter cell is also diploid.

What is the ploidy of cells?

Human somatic cells are diploid, 2n. Human sex cells are haploid, n. Thus, the ploidy of human cells is 2, while n=23.

What will be the ploidy of the cells of the nucellusMMCthe functional megaspore and female gametophyte?

Nucellus and MMC are and generally diploid and functional megaspore and female gametophyte are haploid in nature.

What is the ploidy level of endosperm of gymnosperm?

Endosperm of gymnosperm is haploid(ploidy n), develop from megaspore (n) before fertilization. ploidy of endosperm in angiosperm is 3n(central cell fused with one male gamete i.e 2n+n).

When a cell contains only one chromosome of each homologous pair the cell is?

ploidy is the classification based on the number of homologous chromosomes present. if there is only one pair of homologous chromosomes then the nucleus is said to be haploid if there are two pairs then it is known as diploid if three it is triploid if many it is noted as polyploidy --------------------------- an oocyte or a spermatocyte are haploid cells in a species that normally have diploid cells.

Is the end product of mitosis haploid or diploid?

Mitosis produces DIPLOID cells- remember in mitosis your INCREASING the number of CELLS but the chromosome number is the SAME as the parentso a parent that has a (DIPLOID number of 10)will produce at the end of mitosis will produce 2 children with a diploid number of (10)That is why Mitosis is CONSERVATIVE.So in actuality, 1 diploid cell will produce 2 diploid cells in mitosisThe above is only true if the starting cell is itself diploid. However there are plenty of instances, especially in plants, in which cells that are haploid (the ones that give rise to pollen and egg, and endosperm nuclei, for example) or multiploid (hexaploid wheat, for example) undergo mitosis, and the cells that are produced have the same ploidy as the starting cell. Always. As noted above, mitosis is conservative. However, you ought not assume that you started with a diploid cell.

What are haploid cells also known as?


The ploidy of a cell in Metaphase you is haploid?


What is the ploidy of mammal gametes?

Haploid (n)

Why is a red blood cell diploid?

Red blood cells are not diploid. RBCs become de-nucleated (their nucleus is removed) to make room for more hemoglobin. Because of this, RBCs have no chromosomes, and, therefore, they are neither haploid, nor diploid, nor any other ploidy, for that matter.

What is the ploidy level of a seed coat?
