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In "modern times" as we know them, Uranus was the first planet discovered. All the other planets known to then were visible to the naked eye from earth, and, thus, were known to ancients. It is exceptionally dim and moves very slowly in its orbit. Uranus was discovered by William Hershel, who saw it in a telescope and announced his discovery on March 13, 1781.

The Neptune was discovered in 1846.

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What planet was discovered in the 20th century? Pluto was discovered in 1930

and that's the 20th Century. However it's now classified as just a "dwarf planet".

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Pluto, but it's only a "dwarf planet" now.

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Pluto was the last planet. It was considered a planet but not any more. It's called a "dwarf planet" now.

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Q: Which planet was the first to be discovered in modern times?
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