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Gamma rays. Since they are electromagnetic waves, they travel at the speed of light.

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Q: Which ray is the fastest gamma alpha beta?
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aplha, beta, gamma

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ernest Rutherford is the answer....

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Beta radiation is made from electrons (or positrons for inverse beta radiation). Alpha radiation is a helium nucleus, and gamma radiation is a high energy electromagnetic ray.

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The gamma ray is not a particle but is just an EM wave that transmits energy.

Which one of these rays is not a particle Gamma Alpha beta?

The gamma ray is not a particle but is just an electromagnetic wave that transmits energy.

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The gamma ray because a photon does not have electric charge and is thus does not experience force in a EM field. All the others are charged particles

What are 5 different types of radiation and which are the most dangerous?

Alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, neutron.

Gamma ray sources of the radiation?

Various radioactive substances such as Plutonium and Uranium give off a combination of alpha, beta and gamma rays as the isotope decays.

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The alpha particle is much more massive than a beta particle. A beta particle is an electron, which has very little mass. An alpha particle is a helium nucleus, and consists of two protons and two neutrons.