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Q: Which scientist first described the nucleus as a dense inner core containing all the positive charges in an atom?
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When electrons were discovered scientist inferred that neutral atoms contain positive charges because?

Scientists inferred that nuetral atoms contained postitive charges, because electrons contained negative charges.

Who described the Atom As negative charges scattered through a ball of positive Charles?

JJ Thomson, who discovered the electron.

How is it possible that an atom has no charge or is said to be neutral with an atom containing subatomic particles which possess charges?

there is an equal number of positive and negative charges which exactly cancel each other out.

What is an internal salt?

This is an another name (rare) for zwitterion: a neutral molecule containing inside positive and negative charges in different locations.

Do positive objects contain only positive charges?

No. A positive ion merely has more positive charges (protons) than negative charges (electrons).

Who described the atom as a negative charges scattered through a ball of positive?

Thomson described this method. He gave plum pudding model.

Will positive and positive repel or attract?

'Like' charges (both positive or both negative) repel.Unlike charges (one of each) attract.

What type of particles gather near the bottom of clouds before energy is released as lightning?

the answer is both positive and negitive charges and that is because to make lighting it has to be positive and negitive charges because if there is both 2 negitive charges will both repel and the same thing will happen to positive charges but when positive and negitive charges and positive charges will attract

Who discovered the positive charge of a nucleus?

Ernest Rutherford is the scientist that discovered the positively charged nucleus.

Why does positive and positive charges repels in a cell?

Because like charges repel each other.

Atoms have higher number of positive charges than negative charges?

the positive number of a atom

What causes a substance to have a positive charge?

the object has to have more positive charges than negative charges.