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Robert Hooke was the first person to discover the cell when he was observing a slice of cork (plant) under the microscope.

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Q: Which scientist is responsible for seeing cells for the first time?
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Who was the first scientist to study the cells of plants?

Robert Hooke was the first scientist to study plant cells.

Who was the first scientist that invetigated the cells?

In 1665 , Robert Hooke was the first scientist to build and identify cells in things.

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When did scientist think the first cells were made?

Scientist thought the first cells were made about 3.6 billion years ago.

What is the first observe cells?

Robert Hooke an Englishman was the first scientist to observe cells

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Scientist who first described cells?


Who was the first scientist to discover cells?

According to biologists, the first scientist to discover cells is Robert Hook who observed the cells of living and dead things in the late 17th century.

Scientist who first discribed cells?

Robert Hooke

First scientist to describe cells?

Robert hooke

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Who is the scientist that first described cells?

I think it was Anton van Leeuwenhoek who first described cells.