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Leprechauns are a type of fairy that soley focuses on making shoes. The other fairies are said to help him in his workshop.

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Q: Which service for fairies are leprechauns said to perform?
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What color did leprechauns wear according to Gaelic tradition?

In Gaelic tradition, leprechauns were said to wear red jackets.

Are leparcauns real?

Leprechauns are not real they are mythological, in Irish mythology Leprechauns are a type of male faerie said to inhabit the island of Ireland.

Is a leprechaun real or fake?

Leprechauns are fairies of Irish folklore and do not really exist. They are said to take the form of a tiny old man dressed in a green coat who enjoys mischief. The first story that featured a leprechaun was a medieval tale called Echtra Fergus mac Leti (Adventure of Fergus son of Leti.)

What is the diverse nature of a fairy?

There are some beliefs that the Seelie Court fairies help humans sometimes, although all fairies are said to cause mischief. Unseelie Court fairies are said to harm humans.

What trade are leprechauns said to work in?

Making shoes, guarding gold, etc.

Where do you find leprechaun gold?

It is said that leprechauns bury their gold at the end of the rainbow.

Word said by grumpy leprechauns?


What do leprechauns sound like?

In folklore, leprechauns are often described as making sounds like the tapping of tiny hammers or the rustling of leaves in the wind. They are said to have mischievous laughter and speak in soft, soothing voices.

Do fairies have black hair?

If by fairies you actually mean tiny winged mythological creatures, then the answer is THEY MAY... It is said that fairies don't have a well defined form, they look exactly the way you "imagine" them... So, if you picture them brunette, then they are...

So i was doing some research on fairies and it was going well till i got to the part about them killing you. it said that some fairies try to drowned you. True or False?

im sorry to say it is true. not the good fairies though... hope it helped your question seez ya laterz!

What is the name of the tribe that leprechauns are based on?

i believe that DR Erinn Keely said i quote. "they belonged to the Celtic tribe dubbed Keely"

What has the rainbow and pot gold to do with Ireland?

Leprechauns, the mythological fairy-folk of Ireland, are said to have a pot of gold which can be found at the end of a rainbow.