

Which side is the gay side?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12y ago

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Its either the outside or the inside, i cant remember which. The other side is still human though.

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Q: Which side is the gay side?
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No side means gay.. that is an urban legend

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Piercing your ear will not turn you gay, and there is no gay side. This was a custom of the 1980's.

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If you are a woman or man and wear your hair to the left you are indeed gay.

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To some, a single piercing on either side is considered "gay". What i hear in school though, Its the Right side is gay. left is not. To stay safe, id pierce both =^.^=

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This is an outdated custom, but in the 1980's the gay side was the right ear.

Is the left or right side gay?

Neither. Sides can't be gay. Only people can be gay.

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There is no gay, non gay side, sexual orientation has nothing to do with body piercing. There is no relationship to which side is what. That is stereo typing and has no relevance in body piercing.

What side ear piercing is the gay side?

There isn't one

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There is not straight or gay side for a tragus piercing, it's just a piercing and doesn't denote sexual orientation.

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That is just a myth. There is no gay, straight or lesbian side.

What side is the lesbian side for an eyebrow piercing?

What ever side he wants, there is no gay, non-gay side, eyebrow piercings do not denote sexual preference. They are just piercings, nothing more and to think anything more of them is a mistake.