

Which space shuttle was sent in search of Venus planet?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Which space shuttle was sent in search of Venus planet?
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Can the Space Shuttle land on Venus?

The space shuttle is designed to land only on the planet Earth. It delivers various payloads into orbit, it does not land on other planets and is definitely not capable of doing so.

How far is Earth to Venus in a space shuttle?

Distances don't depend on the specific nature of the phantasy in which you imagine traversing them, and no Space Shuttle was ever capable of traveling to Venus.

Where is Venus in space?

Venus is the second planet from the sun

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The planet of love is Venus because Venus is the name of the Greek God of love.

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It isn't. In fact, it is the hottest planet in our solar system.

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The first planet to be explored by a space probe is Venus. Hope this helps. : )

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No. There are two reasons for this. First, Jupiter is a gas planet, so there is no surface to land on. Second, the space shuttle was made for low Earth orbit, not interplanetary travel.

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