

Which species has 48 electrons

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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Cadmium is the only neutral atom (not electrically charged) to have 48 electrons.

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un-ionized Cadmium, Cd (atomic number 48)

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The atom of sodium (atom no. 11)

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Q: Which species has 48 electrons
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Cadmium (Cd) has an atomic number of 48, which means it has 48 protons and is neutral when it has an equal number of electrons. Therefore, a cadmium atom with 48 electrons would have a charge of 0 or be electrically neutral.

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Cadmium has an atomic number of 48, therefore it has 48 protons in the nucleus and 48 electrons in the neutral atom. There are a number of isotopes (list from wikipedia article Cadmium) 106Cd 58 neutrons 108Cd 60 neutrons 111Cd 63 neutrons 112Cd 64 neutrons 113Cd 65 neutrons 114Cd 66 neutrons 116Cd 68 neutrons

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Electrons or electron rich species.

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