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Q: Which stage in the genaral adaptation syndrome does your body prepare itselffor the demands of the stressor?
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Hans Selye called the body's response to stress?

He defined stress in 1936 as "the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change". Later in 1979 he explained further that "stress is a 'perception'. It is the demands that are imposed upon us because there are too many alternatives"See more at:

What does the acronym SAID stand for in relation to training principles?

Specific Adaptation To Imposed Demands

This principle states that your bodies will physiologically adapt according to whether you are training aerobically or anaerobically?

The SAID Principle, Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands

What is The physical or mental demands that cause stress are called?

A stressor is anything that causes stress. People, objects, places, events, and situations are all potential stressors. There are five different types of stressors that can contribute to the physical or mental demands that cause stress. These are, Biological stressors, Environmental stressors, cognitive (thinking) stressors, personal behavior stressors, and Life situation stressors.

How does the heart adapt tp physical demands?

adapts to physical demands by enlarging, especially the left ventricle. Enlargement increases the cardiac output, the amount of blood pumped with each beat of the heart. The exact type of adaptation depends on the nature of the physical demand

What is Acute Adaptation?

Acute Adaptation is the process by which a species becomes more specialised to suit the demands of its environment. It can be seen as a favourable response to internal changes and external stimuli. For example, developing an immunity or acquiring new behaviours that change diet or shelter patterns.

What is Wernicke's syndrome?

this is a disorder mostly seen in chronic alcoholics. the body demands of thiamine increase in alcoholism. insufficient intake or impaired intestinal absorption of thiamine will leads to this syndrome. it is characterised by loss of memory, apathy and a rhythmical to and fro motion of the eyeballs.

When Hitler's first demands in Czechoslovakia were met he .?

made more demands ..;))

When Hitler's first demands in Czechoslovakia were met?

made more demands ..;))

What are the various sources of pressure for new laws?

Citizens demands, business demands, local and state government demands, and federal government demands, to name several.

When Hitlers demands in Czechoslovakia were met he?

Made More Demands

When Hitler first demands Czechoslovakia were met he?

Made More Demands