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The chromosomes are aligned along the middle of the cell during metaphase of mitosis. For more information on mitosis, see the link, further down this page, listed under Related Links.

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The phase in which paired chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell is called metaphase

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Q: During this stage of mitosis the chromosomes are aligned along the middle of the cell?
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What is chromosomes line up in mitosis to known phase?

In Mitosis and Meiosis, this event is called Metaphase.

Phase of mitosis during which chromosomes move to the middle of the cell?


What phase do chromosomes line up?

During metaphase.A trick is to remember: "M for metaphase, M for the middle of the cell". This is to remind you that at metaphase the centromeres of the chromosomes are aligned in the plane of the equator.

During which state of mitosis do chromosomes align along the middle of the parent cell?


In which phase do chromosomes align on the spindle equator?

Chromosomes align on the spindle equator during the metaphase. During the metaphase the chromosomes meet on an imaginary line between the two poles.

What is the stage of mitosis in which chromosomes line up in the center of the cell?

The chromosomes line up across the middle of the cell in the stage metaphase of mitosis and meiosis.

During which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids aligne at the center of a cell?

Mitosis is the division of cells which create two identical sister cells. Mitosis consists of six different phases including interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Metaphase is the part of the cell divison cycle where the chromosomes align in the middle of the cell

The phase in mitosis in which the chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the spindle?


What does the correct chromosomal condition at prometaphase of mitosis look like?

The chromosomes during the prometaphase of mitotis in biology means that the chromosomes are gathered in the middle in a line with the spindles beginning to attach.

Chromosomes line up across the middle of the cell?

during cell reproduction the "mother cell" makes a copy of chromosomes and then divides them evenly between two "daughter cells" so the chromosome pairs line up in the center of that division.

What two things happen during Metaphase?

During metaphase - the second stage of mitosis in the eukaryotic cell cycle - the chromosomes, pulled by the spindle fibers, line up along the middle of the cell, halfway between the centrosomes in the middle of the dividing cell. The chromosomes are now maximally condensed. In mitosis, individual replicated chromosomes, each composed of two sister chromatids, move to the equatorial plate during this step (whereas during the first division of meiosis, pairs of replicated chromosomes (tetrads) line up at this stage). This lack of pairing between homologs during mitosis is a fundamental distinction between mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis, unlike meiosis, produces identical daughter cells, because each homolog divides into two identical chromatids during anaphase.

Which phase involves the chromosomes lining up along the equator of the cell?

Metaphase 1 is the phase of mitosis when the chromosomes line up along the equator. Homologous chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell, then spindle fibers attach onto the homologous chromosome.