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Q: Which stain is most difficult to remove?
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Does blood stain clothes?

Yes, blood stains clothes. It is a protein stain, and is difficult to remove. If you have a blood stain to remove, use cold water and pretreat it with OxyClean.

Are there non toxic wood stain removers?

There are 2 or 3 but it's still very difficult to totally remove stain,as it soaks well in if properly applied. -You may have to do some sanding to remove it completely.

What is a good way to get permanent marker out of Lycra?

Permanent marker is a dye stain, which makes it difficult to remove. Depending on the color, you may be able to bleach your garment, and that is likely the most efficient way to remove the stain. Otherwise you should pretreat it, following the directions on the back of a bought pretreatment.

How do you remove polyurethane from a stain door without removing the stain?

You don't. You will most likely have to restain after stripping.

What is the different between normal dirt and a stain?

The difference between normal dirt and a stain is in their difficult to wash off. Normal dirt comes off easily but a stain is a colored patch which penetrative and thus making it hard to remove.

Why is bleach used to remove stains from dirty laundry?

Bleach is used to remove stains because it removes the color of the stain. It actually can leave the stain there, but it gets rid of the color so you cannot see it. It is difficult to use because it will remove the dye from almost anything it touches.

What will remove copper sulfate stain from porcelain?

what will remove copper sulfate stain in commodes

How do kamias remove stain?

use stain wipes

How do you remove fruit and vegetable stain from clothes?

Depending on the fruit or veggie, this stain could be easy to get rid of or it could be difficult. Pretreat the stain and rinse it out. If the stain is gone, you're good to go. If it's still there repeat the pretreatment and wash it, considering bleach if the fabric is color-safe or white.

How difficult is it to remove a stain from a black shirt?

It is really difficult to remove a stain from a black shirt. Some steps should take into account are wetting a clean cloth in cool water and wring it out, filling a sink or a clean bucket with warm water and placing a bar of soap into the water for a moment to add lather, letting it be for some minutes.

Why can citrus fruits remove stain?

yes it can because it has a substance which is sour that can remove the stain of the shirt.

Why does mustard stain?

Mustard stains because it is a dye stain ,which makes it difficult to get out.