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Gastric (stomach) ulcers, Duodenal (small intestine) ulcers, and the skin.

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Q: Which structures are the most common sites for ulcers?
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Related questions

What are common sites for pressure ulcers?

The most common sites of pressure ulcers are the buttocks, hips, and heels

Where are 2 most common sites for ulcers?

Small intestine (duodenal) and stomach (gastric)

What are the most common forms of ulcers?

The most common forms of peptic ulcer are duodenal and gastric.

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What is an ulsor?

An ulcer is a discontinuation of a membrane,. The most common are mouth ulcers. There are also internal ulcers such as a peptic ulcer or IBD.

Is stomach ulcer heardity problem?

For the most part no. Sometimes stomach cancer can cause ulcers, and this can be somewhat linked to hereditary (though most causes of gastric cancer are environmental). But most cases of gastric ulcers are due to environmental factors. The most common cause of stomach ulcers is a bacterial infection with H. pylori, and this can run in families because they contaminate each other, but it isn't due to heredity. Second most common cause of stomach ulcers is chronic use of NSAIDs, such as ibuprophen. This too is not linked to heredity.

Which NSAID is most likely to cause ulcers?

Aspirin is the NSAID that is most likely to cause ulcers.

Why are social workers likely to ge an ulcer?

Due to the stress they are under. Business and law are the most common professions to get ulcers.

What is the most common complication of an ulcer?

Bleeding is the most common complication of ulcers. It may result in anemia, vomiting blood (hematemesis), or the passage of bright red blood through the rectum (melena).

What is the most common cause for stomach ulcers?

The most common cause of stomach ulcers ( peptic ulcers ) is the destruction of the gastric or intestinal mucosal lining of the stomach by the action of hydrochloric acid ( an acid normally present in the digestive juices of the stomach.

What are mouth ulcers and what causes them?

Mouth ulcers are usually sores within the mouth. The most common and usual symptom is pain in the mouth and constant pain when talking, chewing, or moving your tongue across a certain area. Redness, open wounds, and scars are also symptoms of ulcers.

What food is the most common cause for stomach ulcers and gastritis in humans?

Certain foods can indeed aggravate ulcers, but food does not cause them - they are caused by a bacterium called heliobactor pylori. Gastritis - a very different thing from ulcers - can be caused by any particularly spic, greasy or heavy food.