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which three system are involved in the excretion of wastes in humans

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Q: Which systems are working to maintain oxygen levels for the runner's muscles?
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What is Organ systems working together called?

Systems working alone and working together to maintain a stable environment for the whole body system to survive is called "Homeostatis".

What is many organ systems working together called?

When many different organ systems work together they form

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What are the benefits of amino acid supplements?

Amino Acid is essential for life. It works with protein so it will help you maintain and build muscles if you are working out.

When do you not have working muscles?

Never, you always have working muscles. Eg: your core muscles work to keep you standing/upright.

Are muscles active during rest?

when you are completely at rest some of your muscles are still hard at work because some like in your digestive respiratory and pulmonary systems are out your control and they are always working but the muscles like skeletal muscle you have the control over when the move

What kind of muscles are working when heart is beating?

involuntary muscles

How does the body systems interrelate with each other?

Our body systems work together in several ways. for example if a person is exercising their somatic nervous system will tell the skeletal muscles to start working. the working muscles will demand energy . the energy will be produced by ATP in the cells. the cardiovascular system will have delivered oxygen and glucose to the cells where ATP is produced. hope u find this quite useful. good luck!!!

What happen to the muscles when it is working?

When you work the muscles gets stronger and healthy.

How do the two system help maintain homeostasis?

homeostasis- balance of two systems to work together to improve or advance an orginism. we get hot so we sweat to replace lost fluids. two systems working together

What does Musculoskeletal System mean?

What does Musculoskeletal System mean?The Musculoskeletal System is the combination of the muscular and skeletal systems working together and includes the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body.

How are molecules organells cells tissue organs organ systems and organisms related?

They are all working for the same purpose. To help maintain the human body. They are related in the sense of work.