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X chromosome inactivation happens in female mammals.

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Q: Which term describes something that happens in female mammals?
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Something long is hanging from my female hamsters butt?

it might be a long poop that happens sometimes

Do all mammals have mensuration?

Menstruation happens when the endometrium gets shed through the vagina of the female mammal. It is most common in primates. Other mammals go through a cycle known as the Estrous Cycle where the endometrium is reabsorbed into the body.

Do all female mammals lay eggs?

No. Only female platypuses and echidnas lay eggs. They belong to the group of mammals known as monotremes.

Do female catfish have a period?

No. Fish are not mammals.

Does a female dog have a period?

Yes. All female mammals have periods.

Why is courtship necessary in mammals?

It lets one animal decide if he or she wants the other who is courting him or her. It is usually a male courting a female and the female has to accept the male, but it is sometimes the other way around. And it is not just mammals; it's all animals. Courting happens in mating only and all animals mate but before they mate, they court.

Can a female produce milk?

Female mammals are the only organisms that can produce milk, period.

Where is the site for fertilization?

For female mammals, the fallopian tubes.

Is android male or female?

Male. Gynoid describes female bots.

Female mammals have something that secrete milk enabling them to mourish their young until the young are mature enought to find food?

Yes, the feeding nipples secrete 'colostrum'

How do female mammals feed their young with milk produced by?

All female mammals produce milk to feed their infant young.