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Q: Which term is used to describe most people who are legal residents of America?
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Which term used to describe most people who are legal residents of America?


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Legal residents of Egypt.Someone from Egypt.

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California... and we're currently teaching our legal residents to pick them!So hang w/ us America!

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It is legal for US residents to buy real estate to Costa Rica, but you have to have dual citizenship.

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Who are the US national?

us legal permanent residents are us nationals

Can a nonresident of Wyoming rent a house?

if a legal resident of the US, sure. Few people become legal residents of a state till they have utilities turned on and lived in a new property address for 1-3 mo.

Can you become a legal us person by converting to Christianity I've heard that if your willing to convert to Christianity from your faith then the church fights for you to be legal?

No. Christianity, and religion for that matter, are immaterial to the citizenship process. There are people of every possible imaginable religious belief who are legal residents.

Is polgamy legal today?

Although many people are fighting toward to make it legat, poligamy is not yet legal in the North America.