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Q: Which term means a toxic condition caused by excessive urea and other waste products in the bloodstream?
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Which toxic condition is caused by excessive ureain the bloodstream?


What is name of toxic condition caused by excessive waste products in the bloodstream?

Toxicosis, Acidosis, uremia etc depending upon types of wastes.

What is the medical term meaning toxic condition caused by excessive urea and other waste products in the bloodstream?

The medical term you are referring to is "uremia." Uremia occurs when the kidneys are unable to adequately filter waste products from the blood, leading to a buildup of urea and other toxins in the bloodstream. Symptoms of uremia can include fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, and changes in mental status.

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Emphysema is a condition where there are little holes in the air sacs in the lungs. It is usually caused by excessive smoking.

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Stomach ulcers can be caused by excessive drinking or tobacco products. They may also be caused by different illnesses or prescription pills.

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use gutaderme skin products to resolve all your skin related problemss

What condition is caused by lack of vitamin b12?

Deficiency leads to pernicious anaemia when immature red blood cell precursors are released into the bloodstream, and there is degeneration of the spinal cord.