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Mercury is poisonous.

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Q: Which thermometer is a greater health hazard if it breaks Is it the mercury in glass or alcohol in glass thermometer?
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What is the advantage and disadvantage of using alcohol in thermometer?

u don't have to flick the thermometer to reset the temperature reading when you use an alcohol based thermometer (unlike a mercury thermometer where you have to flick and flick and flick flick flick that thermometer for the mercury to be reset so that you can make an accurate reading) a disadvantage is that the alcohol thermometer is slightly less acurate The biggest advantage is that alcohol is not nearly as toxic as mercury, so that if the thermometer breaks, you won't be poisoned.

Which thermometer has a greater health hazard if it breaks?

The mercury thermometer. Mercury affects the central nervous system if it is ingested in high enough quantities. Plus mercury bioaccumulates in the food chain.

What is the most dangerous thermometer if it breaks?

Any thermometer with mercury in it.

If a thermometer breaks and the mercury goes in your pool is it dangerous?

Modern thermometers don't use mercury, they use a colored alcohol solution... and yes it would be dangerous.

What do you do if mercury thermometer breaks into your eyes?

you run to the hospital

What happens when a thermometer is left in sunlight?

the temperature rises and the thermometer breaks releasing mercury

Why is alcohol red in colour in thermometer when alcohol is a colourless liquid?

Traditional thermometers are filled with red-dyed alcohol while others are filled with mercury which appears silver in color. Mercury thermometers aren't safe. When a mercury thermometer breaks on the floor mercury is released. Mercury is very toxic and venomous. One sole drop can kill you or make you very sick. Alcohol is dyed red to add more visibility. Otherwise it'll be very hard to read the temperature due to the alcohol's transparency.

Why isn't mercury in thermometers any more?

I don't know to what extent mercury is still being used, but it makes sense to phase it out: mercury is extremely toxic. If a mercury thermometer breaks, you have to be careful not to breathe the vapors.I don't know to what extent mercury is still being used, but it makes sense to phase it out: mercury is extremely toxic. If a mercury thermometer breaks, you have to be careful not to breathe the vapors.I don't know to what extent mercury is still being used, but it makes sense to phase it out: mercury is extremely toxic. If a mercury thermometer breaks, you have to be careful not to breathe the vapors.I don't know to what extent mercury is still being used, but it makes sense to phase it out: mercury is extremely toxic. If a mercury thermometer breaks, you have to be careful not to breathe the vapors.

What do you do if a thermometer breaks at school?

well throw it away but be careful most have mercury which is baaad

What changes has the thermometer went through?

Before thermometers use to have mercury in them and they are not harmful unless they are used properly. Mercury is harmful when it is not disposed of properly and if it spills. It is not used very much because it poses a threat to human health and the environment. Now most thermometers have alcohol in them, they work just as well as mercury thermometers but are more safe to use in case the thermometer breaks.

Why is mercury and alcohol used in thermometer?

Mercury is the only metal that remains liquid at room temperature and it expands and contracts evenly over a large temperature range of -40to +300 degrees. Unfortunately it is toxic when the thermometer breaks and so alcohol is replacing Mercury for every day -10 to 100degree C thermometers as used in school labs. Electronic temperature sensors,like thermocouples, are taking over for higher temperatures.

When your pool thermometer breaks in the pool should you shock the pool right away?

Shocking is not useful response for a broken pool thermometer. Most pool thermometers are electronic sensors or bimetallic strips, which won't put anything into the pool if they break, or are based on colored alcohol, for which shocking will not do anything. If your broken thermometer used mercury (unlikely) it will settle to the bottom and into the drain traps. You need to get the mercury out of the drains.