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Oxygen and sulfur are more alike. They are present in group-16 and have 6 valence electron.

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Q: Which two elements in the periodic table are more alike oxygen O and sulfur S OR sulfur S and chlorine Cl?
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What element in the periodic table is similar to sulfur?

Elements in the periodic table that are similar to sulfur would be oxygen, and selenium

What periodic elements are in sausages?

If this is a serious question, then the elements are many. They would include, in no particular order, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, calcium. If, on the other hand, it is a riddle, and you are talking about SAuSAgEs, then sulfur, gold, sulfur, silver, and einsteinium.

Which elements are in the same group on the periodic table as oxygen?

sulfur, selenium, tellurium, and polonium

What elements are in column 16 on the periodic table?

The elements in group (column) 16 are:Oxygen (O)Sulfur (S)Selenium (Se)Tellurium (Te)Polonium (Po)Ununhexium (Uuh)

What elements are yellow?

the yellow elements in the periodic table of elements indicate that these things are made by humans

Why will no one ever find an element between sulfur and chlorine?

Elements are distinguished based on their number of protons. Chlorine has exactly one proton more than sulfur. Since there cannot be fractions of protons, there can be no element between sulfur and chlorine on the periodic table.

Is sulfuric acid on the periodic table?

No, the periodic table only lists elements. Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is a compound of three elements: hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen.

What elements have six valence electrons?

The elements in Group 16 on the periodic table have six valence electrons. They include oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, and polonium.

What are the numbers of elements in sulfur trioxide?

sulfur dioxide is made up of sulfur,carbon, and oxygen

Elements on the periodic table of elements?

total no of elements in periodic table is 112.Some of which are still unnamed. Elements on the periodic table is classifies into metals, non-metals, semiconductors, and elements that are radioactive. Elements are arranged in increasing order of their atomic number. In a periodic table on the left are the metals, on the right are all non-metals and in the middle are the transition metals.

What are the main elements on the periodic table?

Examples: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, silicon, sodium, iron, aluminium, nitrogen, iodine, phosphorous, uranium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, sulfur, wolfram, gold, silver, boron

Name three nonmetals on the periodic table?

Anything to the right of the step-like line.