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Venus and Mercury definitely contain the greatest amount of hydrogen in our solar system. gb

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Q: Which two stars contain the greatest amount of hydrogen?
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Do small stars have hydrogen and helium?

All stars contain hydrogen and helium.

What element are stars mostly composed of?

hydrogen,All stars are composed primarily of hydrogen. Stars can also contain some other elements such as helium, but hydrogen accounts for the majority of a star's composition.

What is the chemical composition off most stars?

Stars contain hydrogen, helium and a little iron.

Why does the amount of hydrogen in a star decrease?

Because Hydrogen is the fuel of Stars, hydrogen consumed and Helium is formed.

Why does the universe contain less hydrogen then it used to?

Some of the hydrogen has been converted into heavier elements by stars.

What has the greatest amount of matter?

Stars & black holes.

What is the most common element found in star?

Stars contain hydrogen, helium and a little iron.

What kind of stars are mainly composed of hydrogen?

All stars are mainly composed of hydrogen. Stars also contain small amounts of helium and trace amounts of other elements such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon.

What do the stars in the universe appear to consist of?

Hydrogen and a small amount of Helium.

Do stars contain rock particles that shine?

Stars do not contain rock particles. Stars are made up of mostly hydrogen and helium gas in a plasma state. The energy and light from stars come from nuclear fusion reactions happening in their core.

What elements by percentage do the majority of stars contain?

The percentages vary quite a lot from one star to another. The general tendency, however, is that the majority of stars contain a large percentage of hydrogen. In general, hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe - for now. In the future, it will gradually be used up, and there will be less hydrogen, and more of the heavier elements.

Why do stars have a similar bluish white color?

Stars have a similar bluish white color due to the gases that are inside of them. When you see stars that are bluish white you know that they contain a lot of hydrogen.