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Blood transports many different kinds of materials. Most importantly, it transports oxygen to every corner of the body. It also transports nutrients throughout the body. It transports carbon dioxide to the heart, where the carbon dioxide is processed to the lungs and breathed out. Blood can also transmit certain diseases.

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14y ago

The blood plasma carries all the substances that our cells require to metabolise. These include red blood cells (which hold oxygen - for aerobic respiration), carbon dioxide and lactic acid (waste products of aerobic and anaerobic respirations respectively), soluble products of digestion like glucose, amino acids and fatty acids. Hormones, white blood cells and platelts are also transported by the bloodstream. Of course, don't think all these substances are present in the blood all the time. Some substanes are only present at certain times. Lactic acid for example is only carried away when we respire anaerobically, after vigorous exercise.

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14y ago

Oxygen is transported by the haemoglobin of the red blood cells (erythrocytes). The oxygen binds reversibly to the haemoglobin to form oxyhemoglobin. Oxygen may also be dissolved and be transported in the solution form in blood plasma. Carbon dioxide is transported mainly as hydrogencarbonate ions. The process whereby carbon dioxide is converted into the bicarbonate ions occurs in the red blood cells. The reaction is reversible. Chemical reactions occurring in the red blood cells: COz + H2O → H2CO3 (carbonic acid) Note: The above reaction is catalyzed by enzyme carbonic anhydrase. H2CO3 → H+ + HCO3- Note: H+ and HCO3- will then diffuse out of the red blood cells to be transported as ions in the blood plasma. The reverse reaction occurs to get Carbon dioxide back (e.g. when blood passes by the alveoli) Carbon dioxide may also be dissolved and be transported in the solution form in blood plasma, or may also bind to the amino groups of plasma proteins or the hemoglobin (as carbamino-hemoglobin).

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8y ago

Blood is the main transportation system of the body. Oxygen is transported by the red blood cells. Carbon dioxide, water, wastes, hormones and digested food travel in the plasma. That is why arteries, veins and capillaries form a network all over the body, and why a good blood supply is essential for all body parts, and why a well functioning heart is necessary to keep the blood moving.

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To feed on the white blood cells, to travel throughout the body and to destroy diseases your welcome :)

What is the role of blood in transportation of materials throughout the body?

Blood is the main transportation system of the body. Oxygen is transported by the red blood cells. Carbon dioxide, water, wastes, hormones and digested food travel in the plasma. That is why arteries, veins and capillaries form a network all over the body, and why a good blood supply is essential for all body parts, and why a well functioning heart is necessary to keep the blood moving.

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Blood. Oxygen is transferred throughout the body by blood. Hemoglobin in the blood carry the oxygen through the body and distributes it.

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red blood cells are vital in transporting oxygen to various parts of your body via your vasculature (veins, arteries, capillaries etc). Hemoglobin on the RBCs carry the oxygen. Think of your blood as a transportation system that runs throughout your body in which vital materials (in this case oxygen) can be delivered to places where your body needs them to be.

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Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body via the circulatory system.

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The circulatory system is the transportation system of your body.

What transports food to all the cells of our body?

The blood carries all of these materials throughout the body. However, most of them are dissolved in the plasma and are not carried by the erythrocytes.

What are the jobs of red blood cells in transportation?

Red blood cells contain the protein hemoglobin, which binds with oxygen, and transport the oxygen throughout the body.

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The main function of blood flow in the cardiovascular system is the transport of materials and wastes to and from the body tissues. In addition, it carries hormones and immune materials throughout the body.

What part of the circulatory system carries the nutrients and removes wastes from the body cell?

The circulatory system is the system in the body that is responsible for the transportation of materials throughout the body. Red blood cells move through the circulatory system deliver oxygen and water to the cells in the body and takes away waste products.

What is the main the main function of the circulatory system?

The main function of the circulatory system is the transportation of needed materials throughout the body. These include nutrients, oxygen, wastes, hormones, and immune materials.

How does the blood flow throughout the body?

Your heart pumps your blood, carrying blood cells, throughout the body.