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Substantive conflict

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1mo ago

Value conflict involves fundamental disagreement over ends or goals to be pursued and the means for their accomplishment. This type of conflict arises when individuals or groups have differing beliefs, values, or priorities that guide their choices and actions. It can be challenging to resolve because it involves deeply held convictions.

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Q: Which type of conflict involves fundamental disagreement over ends or goals to be pursued and the means for their accomplishment?
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What does the word conflict?

A conflict refers to a struggle, disagreement, or clash between two or more parties with opposing views or interests. It can arise in various contexts such as relationships, workplaces, or international affairs. Resolving conflicts effectively often involves communication, compromise, and understanding.

What does it mean to resolve a conflict?

Resolving a conflict means finding a mutually agreeable solution that addresses the underlying issues of disagreement between two or more parties. It involves effective communication, active listening, understanding different perspectives, and working towards a compromise or resolution that satisfies all involved parties.

What do you mean by conflict?

Conflict refers to a disagreement or clash between individuals or groups due to differing interests, views, or values. It can manifest in various forms, such as verbal arguments, physical altercations, or emotional tension. Resolving conflicts often involves communication, understanding, and compromise to reach a mutually beneficial solution.