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Q: Which type of earthquake usually occurs farther inland than other earthquakes?
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An 8.3 earthquake will produce tsunami of how far?

Bear in mind that it is not just the Richter scale measurement which determines the severity of a tsunami which results from an earthquake; the location of the earthquake is also relevant. And inland earthquake does not produce the same tsunami as an underwater earthquake. That said, 8.3 is an extremely powerful earthquake which could produce a tsunami that would travel for thousands of miles and cause immense dammage over a very wide area.

Did an earthquake cause Samoa's tsunami?

No because the New Madrid quakes occurred far inland, so therefore no tsunami was generated by the plate tectonics under a large body of water as is the mechanism for most earthquake-generated tsunamis. However, the New Madrid fault earthquake did cause the Mississippi river to flow backwards.

How did the tsunmai happen in Japan?

It is because, the earthquake that broke of the coast of sendai happened under the sea and the type of the earthquake was a destructive.Meaning it moved the plates backwards and forwards under the sea bed causing the sea above it to violently move back and forwards creating dangerousley high and powerful waves(4-10M) to reach the coast of sendai and sweep miles through the inland areas.

What an earthquake does?

1. they shake the ground ... up and down or sidewise2. the relieve the internal pressure that builds up as the tectonic plates move.Here effects of an earthquakes: Tsunami A tsunami is a series of huge waves caused by an earthquake under the sea. These waves travel at about 800 km per hour. Before a tsunami reaches the shore, it slows down. The water along the shore recedes as if there were a very low tide. When the water comes back, the height of its waves may reach up to 30 m. It can destroy houses, crops and people as it goes inland and then back to the sea. Seiche An underwater earthquake can also generate a big wave in an enclosed body of water like a lake or a pond. This big wave which can be about 3 m high is called a seiche. A seiche can cause immediate flooding of areas near the lake. Faulting Strong earthquakes can also change the earth's surface. Cracks may form on the crust. When this happens, part of the crust may be displaced horizontally or vertically. In some cases, a section of the crust is raised above the section near it. Shallow gaps may also be formed on the crudt. Landslide Some earthquakes affect hilly or mountainous areas. Continiuous shaking of the ground changes the psition of some rocks or dislodges them. When these rocks roll downhill, they can destroy houses on their path or kill people. Sand Blows When an earthquake occurs in a place where there is much ground water, water is forced out of the ground in the form of an earthquake fountain. When this happens, sand is forced out and deposited on the ground in the form of volcanolike mounds. These are called sand blows. Fire Earthquakes can also cause fire. This happens when electric wires are destroyed and electric posts are upturned. Fire can easily spread to residential houses and other buildings.

How much of Japan was destroyed by the 2011 tsunami?

The 2011 Tsunami in JapanMost scientists reported that the 33ft (10m) Tsunami wave, triggered by a massive earthquake on March 11 measuring magnitude 9.0 on the Richter scale, made it 6 miles (10 kilometers) inland with washed up debris and water reaching distances of 10 miles or more inland. This city of Sendai was 80 miles (128 km) from epicenter of Earthquake.

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What type of earthquakes occur farther inland than other earthquakes?

deep focus

Are there hurricanes tornadoes or earthquakes in Nevada?

Earthquakes can occur in Nevada, which is not far from earthquake-prone California. Tornadoes occur in Nevada on occasion, but they are rare and usually weak. Nevada is too dry and too far inland to get hurricanes.

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the weather is usually cooler near the coast because of the ocean. the ocean air is cooler than farther inland.

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farther inland :)

What are any other impacts that earthquakes do to the earth?

An earthquake on land can cause extensive damage and loss of life as buildings collapse. If the earthquake happens under the sea, a tsunami can form and destroy coastal areas and some way inland.

How can you keep away from a cyclone?

Live farther inland.

Are there any natural disasters that damaged Mission San Luis Rey de Francia?

Yes, the Indians attacked mission San Diego de Alcala and there was a earthquake there.

Why was the tsunami damage so high in japan?

Japan was very close to the epicenter of the earthquake; many of their buildings were damaged by the earthquake itself. Parts of the coast line were depressed and indented. Japan is an island nation, and much of the country is at or below sea level anyway. Because of this, the tsunami was able flood farther inland and because of the land features that were altered by the earthquake, the water did not recede.

Do earthquakes occur in the central portion of the US?

Earthquakes can occur anywhere, although they are more common near the oceans than further inland.

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Why was there no tsunamis in the Christchurch earthquake?

A tsunami is only created when an earthquake or giant land slide occurs under the sea. The Christchurch earthquake happened at an inland site away from the ocean.

Does Toronto have earthquakes?

The answer, surprisingly, is yes. Calgary does not have a history for them, but on occasion a small one here and there does happen. Mostly from the major oil industry. Though some say Calgary may become like San fransisco because they say a new fault line will rip through the Rockies and cause a massive quake at the same time. I strongly disagree with that.