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Active transport because it move up the concentration gradient which requires energy to do so. Where as the passive transport goes down the concentration which does not need energy.

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Q: Which type of transport uses energy passive or active transport?
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What type of transport needs energy?

Active transport needs energy, passive transport does not need energy.

Distinguish between active and passive transport?

Active Transport is the passage of materials across the membrane through the expenditure of energy. Passive Transport is the passage of materials across the membrane without the expenditure of energy. Bulk Transport is the type of active transport. Diffusion and Osmosis are type of passive transport.

What type of energy does active transport require?

Yes, energy is needed for active transport, while energy is not needed to be inputted for passive forms of transport.

Which type of transport requires assistance from membrane proteins?

cellular transport nop, is passive transport

What is the differece between passive and active transport?

Active transport is the movement of molecules across a membrane requiring energy to be expanded by the cell. ACTIVE TRANSPORT REQUIRES ENERGY. Passive transport is diffusion across a membrane requiring only random motion of molecules with no energy expanded by the cell. PASSIVE TRANSPORT REQUIRES NO ENERGY.

What type of transport is carbon dioxide passive or active?

Passive (diffusion).

If the substance entering the cell was in higher concentration inside the cell then outside the cell what type of transport would be required?

It would be active transport, a process which requires a cell to use its own energy (unlike passive transport).

Is vesicular transport active or passive?

The contractile vacuole collects water, then pumps it out of the cell. It requires energy to be expended, so it is a type of active transport.

How is facilitated diffusion diferant froma an active transport?

Facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport which does not require the cell to expend energy.

What type of transport does not require energy?

passive transport does not need energy. And two types of passive tansport are osmosis and diffusion

Type of transport that requires energy?

Passive Transport

Is diffusiona type of passive transport or active transport?

Passive transport is where materials are transported across a membrane without the use of stored energy. Active transport is where materials are transported across a membrane using ATP, or another source of stored cellular energy. Diffusion is where solutes flow across a membrane in response to a concentration gradient, and requires no energy input to occur. Therefore, diffusion is a form of passive transport.