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There are many that say men need 30-40 grams of protein in one day. Rice provides 60+. I read one time that an elephant is a vegetarian and they grow fine. I eat meat myself but rest assured, there is enough protein in most unrefined vegetables to meet your needs. Legumes are one of the leaders. 100 grams of soy beans contains almost 40 grams of protein! Eat up!!

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12y ago

Many vegetarians will need to supplement their protein sources because they do not eat enough protein or enough of the variety of different types of protein necessary for a balanced, healthy diet. Additional protein can be added into a diet in the form of protein-rich foods or through a supplement.

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A vegetarian diet is an ideal way to improve your heart health. However, if this type of diet is not carefully planned, it can lack the protein you need to keep your ticker fine tuned. Soy protein is especially beneficial for the heart. Studies show that eating 25 grams of soy protein per day can help reduce the risk of heart disease. You can get this protein in your diet by drinking soymilk, and eating tofu and other soy-based vegetarian products.

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You want a meat rich diet for the protein. Without protein you wouldn't get the needed nutrients. You shouldn't become a vegetarian because you won't get your proper nutrients.

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Blood type A negaative diet is the same as blood type a diet which have a sensitive digestive tract and thrive on a vegetarian diet high in soy protein, grains and vegetables.

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A person with A positive blood type is recommended to eat a vegetarian. It is also suggested that for their diet to have low protein and dairy consumption.

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Vegetarians can loose out on a large amount of protein. This would usually come from meat. Here are some things you can eat as alternatives for the protein you have missed, . Nuts, (any type nearly.) . Eggs . Beans . Dairy . Lentils . Soya protein . Cheese

Is a strand of mRNA short?

That depends on the type of protein it needs to make. Bigger the polypeptide, longer the mRNA.

Should I be following a specific diet for my positive blood type?

People having an A positive blood type is recommended to follow a vegetarian diet. They should also be cautious to intake very little protein and dairy products.

do different blood types need the same nutrition?

There are different blood type and nutrition for it. Blood type A needs more vitamins while Blood type B needs more protein. While blood type O doesnt require any nutrients and AB needs both.