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The only pitched battles fought in Union states were Antietam, in Maryland; Perryville, in Kentucky; and Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. There were raids into other states such as Indiana and Ohio, and small actions in Missouri, but these were the only three full-scale battles on Northern soil, and both Maryland and Kentucky were border states: slave holding states that remained in the Union.

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Q: Which union states had civil war battles?
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In the Civil War, most of the destruction was suffered by the Confederate States because few battles were fought in Union States.

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The Union lost three battles of the Civil War

How many battles did the union win during the US Civil War?

219 battles were won by the Union.

What 3 union states were civil war battles fought?

Pennsylvania (Gettysburg), Maryland (Antietam), and Kentucky - to name three.

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Perryville, Kentucky and Philippi, West Virginia were the scenes of Civil War battles. Philip Kearny was a Union General in the Civil War.

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Yes. Civil War battles were fought in all 11 Confederate states.

What was the difference of the border states in comparison to the majority of states in the union during the civil war?

With exception of Delaware many battles took place on their territories.

How many battles were fought in the union in the civil war?

In the civil warwas fought in the states of Maine New Jersey New York Maryland and penn. state there battles were 6 there were only 6 battles yet oen of the deadlist

Were there any battles during the civil war in which the union was outnumber?

Yes. There were battles in the Civil War where union forces were outnumbered. When we study the battles in school, we generally stick to the major ones. There were many others. In a number of those, there were more confederates than Union solders.

What two states had the most Civil War battles fought there?

Virginia and Tennessee were the two states that had the most Civil War battles fought in them. Virginia had 122 battles while Tennessee had 38 battles.

What side did Kansas fight with in the US Civil War?

Kansas was fighting for the North also known as the Union and or United States in the US Civil War. As an aside, no major battles were fought in Kansas.