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The following are preventable pediatric illnesses that are vaccinated against in the recommended vaccination schedule from the CDC:

Diptheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), bacteria such as H. flu and S. pneumoniae that cause serious meningitis/pneumonia/blood infections, influenza, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, polio, chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis caused by N. meningitidis, and human papilloma virus (HPV) which causes Cervical cancer.

In addition, there are many other vaccines available to people traveling to international areas with high rates of different illnesses.

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8y ago
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9y ago

chicken pox is a disease and has the vaccination

and is caused by varicella zoster virus xD
H1N1 Influenza

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13y ago

There is many virus that couse many disease and sometimes the same virus couse many diseases and it's depend on the type of virus and their strengh

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Is a vaccination necessary and why?

Yes, vaccinations stop people from contracting and spreading diseases.

Is it possible to get vaccinated for everything?

No, as vaccinations for all diseases are not available. Moreover, the major reason is the wide spectrum of prevalent diseases.

How can antibodies or vaccinations help us to become immune to diseases?

Vaccinations helps to trigger the immune system in the body to produce antibodies. Once the immune system has been boosted up, it helps to prevent infection in the body thus preventing you from diseases

Why should vaccines be required?

Not everyone feels that vaccinations should be required. Some people are actually quite against them. However, those that feel vaccinations should be required site that they help prevent the spread of serious diseases.

Why do you have to take vaccines before travelling to another country?

Other countries may have diseases that your home country does not have, so even if you had vaccinations when you were a child, you may still need other vaccinations to travel safely to other countries.

Why are children given vaccination?

Children are given vaccinations to develop antibodies against various diseases so that they are less likely to become seriously ill. Many diseases have been eradicated (stopped) through the decades of vaccinations of babies and young children. However, when parents didn't have their babies and toddlers vaccinated, many of these awful and deadly diseases have begun to re-appear.

Can pets catch diseases when housed with other animals in a petcare center?

To have your pet boarding in a petcare center, it will need to have vaccinations against certain diseases. The center will need proof that your pet is protected, otherwise diseases can spread between animals.

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High-risk groups for infectious diseases who should receive yearly vaccinations include all the following EXCEPT?

pregnant women