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ENIAC was the First computer that was used to store program.

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The first three computeres were The ENIAC, Universal machine and the EDVAc.

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Q: What were the first three computers designed to use you a stored program?
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What do the first computers do?

they did what they were designed to do.

Who can be considered the father of computers other than Charles Babbage?

Some of the others:George Boole, boolean algebraAlan Turing, developed concept of stored programmingJohn Vincent Atanasoff, designed first electronic digital computerTommy Flowers, designed Colossus the first programmable electronic digital computerKonrad Zuse, created German computing industryClaude Elwood Shannon, information theoryJohn von Neumann, wrote an incomplete First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC. describing a practical stored program computer

Who was known as the father of the computer?

It could be any of the following:Charles Babbage (1830s) as he was the first to design a computer (the mechanical Analytical Engine), however he was unable to build it.Alan Turing (1936) he was the first to develop the concept that programs and data could be stored in identical forms, but he only used this as part of a mathematical proof (his paper On Computable Numbers) and was not considering building computers until after World War 2 ended.Howard Aiken (1942) designed and had IBM build the Harvard Mark 1 electromechanical digital computer, the first programmable digital computer.John V. Atanasoff (1936 to 1942) designed and built the first electronic digital computer (Atanasoff-Berry Computer or ABC), however it could only solve simultaneous equations and was not programmable.J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchley (1942 to 1946) designed and built first electronic programmable digital computer (ENIAC) and the concept of the stored program computer (but did not use this concept in ENIAC as the design was already frozen). Designed and built the UNIVAC stored program computer.Note: many others contributed to the early development of computers.

When was the first invention of first generation computers?

1822 and was designed by Charles Babbage

Why modern digital computers are often referred to as stored program digital?

Because they store the programs they are running in the same memory as they store the data that those programs are working on.

The first stage in the space program designed to send Americans to the moon was?

Project Mercury was the first stage in this program.

When was the first machine made that was called a computer?

In 1837, Charles Babbage, a British professor of mathematics described his idea for the Analytical Engine, the first stored-program mechanical computer. The Analytical Engine was designed to be powered by a steam engine and was to use Punched Cards, which was used to program mechanical looms at the time

Was the computers easy to use?

Right now I am using a laptop computer to reply to your question. It is fairly easy to use. The earliest computers controlled weaver's looms. They were fairly easy to use but difficult to program. The program was difficult to change. That was the situation for the first 150 years of computers. Today you can make a number to changes yourself to your own presentations. You do not need a professional programmer to do it for you. You still need to get the basic program designed by a professional programmer for you to make your own presentations.

What were 1940s computers able to do?

The first computers developed by British intelligence at Bletchley Park were designed to break the German Enigma codes.

When was The Computer Programme created?

The Countess Ada Augusta of Lovelace is usually credited with designing and writing the first computer program. However as the computer it was written for, Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, was never built this program was largely an academic exercise.The first program for a computer that was actually built was designed in 1944 and ran on the British cryptanalytic computer Colossus. It is unknown who did the work as the entire project was classified and most of the records were destroyed after the war.The first program for a stored program computer (the type that modern computers are), consisting of 17 instructions, was written by Tom Kilburn, and first ran on June 21, 1948 on the Manchester Baby computer.

When did Konrad Zuse invent the programmable computer?

1935, which makes it one year earlier than Alan Turing (but Zuse's idea was based on an externally stored program on punched tape while Turing's idea was based on an internally stored program which was more flexible).Zuse's computer was the first computer that operated on floating point numbers, instead of fixed point numbers (which meant his computers were far more usable for scientific and engineering purposes than most other computers, until the IBM 704 was built in 1954).

Who was the original inventor of apple computers?

The first ones were designed and built by Steve Wozniak, in 1976.