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The wave that has a crest every second has a greater frequency.

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Q: Which wave has a greater frequency- wave a where a crest is seen once every second or wave b where a crest is seen some evry minute?
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Wave length is measured from the crest to the trough?

You are probably asking how Wavelegth is measured.......yes the distance between similar points on any waves is the WAVELENGTH . You count the number per second to get the FREQUENCY in cycles per second or HERTZ.... If the Frequency is very low it may take more than one second to complete a wave , then the Frequency is a fraction of a Hertz .ie 0.5hz takes two seconds to complete one wave.....

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20 waves pass through a point in 2 second If the distance between crest and adjacent trough 1.5m calculate the frequency and the wave length?

Frequency: 20 waves per 2 seconds = 10 waves per second = 10 Hz.Wavelength: Double the distance between crest and adjacent trough = 3 meters.Speed: (frequency) x (wavelength) = 10 x 3 = 30 meters per second.

Bottom of a wave is called a?

The lowest point of a wave is known as the trough

What is waves frequency?

Frequencyis the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time

What are three basic components of all signals?

•Amplitude-Height (loudness) of the wave-Measured in decibels (dB)•Frequency:-Number of waves that pass in a second-Measured in Hertz (cycles/second)-Wavelength, the length of the wave from crest to crest, is related to frequency•Phase:-Refers to the point in each wave cycle at which the wave begins (measured in degrees)-(For example, changing a wave's cycle from crest to trough corresponds to a 180 degree phase shift).

What is the relationship wavelength and frequency?

Frequency is the number of wavelenghts passing though a given point in one second. Wavelength is the distance between two crest or troughs. The relationship between wavelenght and frequency is given by f = 1/wavelength. where f = frequency

The number of ocean waves that pass a buoy in one second is?

The number of ocean waves that pass a buoy in one second is the frequency of the wave. The crest of a transverse wave is its highest point.

What is the distance from crest to crest of any wave called?

This distance is the wavelength of the wave.

If the wavelength of light increases the frequency?

As the wavelength increases, frequency decreases. A wavelength is the distance from, say, a crest to a crest, or perhaps a trough to a trough. Frequency is essentially how many waves or how many cycles of a wave there are per unit of time, and we usually apply the term cycles per second or Hertz (which means cycles per second) to it.Wavelength is the physical distance the wave will travel as a single cycle of that wave occurs. And wavelength is a function of both frequency and of the speed of propagation of that wave. In any case, a longer wavelength is associated with a lower frequency. Increasing (lengthening) the wavelength decreases the frequency.

Is crest the measure of how fast particles are vibrating?

frequency is right

Is the number of waves passing one point in a second called crest?

No. The crest is the height of the wave. The period is the time it takes for 2 waves to pass one point. ---Only one wave, but two crests, the high and the low one. The number of waves per second is the frequency. Sage.