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Q: Which way is right in the US as in left and right?
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Is there another way to get to the deserted house on cryptids island?

Just the directions from the restroom doors, 8 turns right left / left right / right right / left left, or the shorter way with 6 turns, right left / right left / right left.

Which way do GD wear their hats left or right?

to da right

Which way do high schools turn the tassel?

Right to left

What is another way to read an angle on a protractor?

Left to right or right to left.

If up is down and down is up Which way is left?

Right. because if you are upside down you would flick your hands the other way so left= Right Right= Left

Who has the right of way at a round about?

All depends on what country you live in and the side of the road you drive on. If you drive on the left, give way to the right. If driving on the right, give way to the left

Who has the right of way at an indoor riding school?

The person who has right of way is the rider with the highest gaits!!! -----actually The official rule/right of way is left shoulder to left shoulder

When the left lane of a two way road merges with the right lane who has the right of way?

The lane which remains continuous has the right of way; therefore, if the left lane is merging into the right lane and is ending, then the vehicle already occupying the right lane has right of way.

Who has the right of way in a rotary?


Which way do you turn your wheels when parking up a hill?

Turn the wheel to the left if parking on the right. Turn your wheel to the right if parking on the left{one-way} Turn the wheel to the left if parking on the right. Turn your wheel to the right if parking on the left{one-way}

What are the way to go miltonius?

From first triple cave: right middle right right left left = miltonius

Does car in left lane or right lane have right of way if sign says left lane ends and only one lane to drive on?

If the left lane is ending, and merging into the right lane, then the car already in the right lane has right of way.