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It is better to pay off the open card that has the higher interest rate.

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Q: Which would be better to do, pay of a closed credit card that is at a good rate or pay off the open credit card that has a much higher interest rate Both cards have a large balance.?
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Is it better to have a credit card with a high interest rate or low interest rate?

If you carry a balance, then it's better to have a low interest rate. If you do not carry a balance, then the interest rate doesn't matter at all.

How is Interest Expense with a credit balance classified in the financial statements?

An Interest Expense with a credit balance is reclassified as Interest Payable on the Balance Sheet.

Which it's better closing a credit card with a balance or pay the balance first to closed?

It's better to pay off the balance and keep it open. It proves that you are competent enough to keep a credit card and not get into trouble with it. It will also increase your credit score.

Is interest earned a debit or credit?

All earnings and revenues has credit balance as normal balance so interest earned also has credit balance as default normal balance.

Is interest payable a credit or debit?

Interest payable is liability account and have a credit balance as a normal balance.

Can a credit card company keep adding interest on a closed account?

Yes, until the account balance is paid in full.

Why does closed-end credit have a better interest rate than open-ended credit?

Generally, closed-end credit has a better interest rate than that of open-ended credit because closed-end credit is less risky insomuch as there is a limit on how much credit may be utilized (whereas there is no limit for open-ended credit). Because lenders look at the risk-reward aspects of the product portfolio, a lower-risk product warrants a lower interest rate than one having higher risk.

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Does closing a credit card with a balance affect your credit rating?

Absolutely!!! Your credit score would go down and interest might be charged. Would be more of a lose for you. Its better to close it with a paid balance!

Is bank interest payable credit or debit?

All kind of payables have a credit balance as a default or normal balance. So by following this rule, bank interest payable also has a credit balance as normal balance.

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When consolidating credit cards is it better to wait until they have zero balances then the credit report will say Closed For Consolidation NOT just Closed By Individual?

Remember if you closed these credit cards, your credit score will take a big hit! Its best to just keep the balance open but don't use the cards anymore.