

Which zone does a blue tang live?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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They live in the Neuritic Zone.

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Q: Which zone does a blue tang live?
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Where do blue tang fish live?

in water -sorry had 2 say it the Atlantic ocean

Does the blue tang migrate?

The Blue Tang does not migrate. It lives on the reefs and eats algae.

How long does the blue tang fish live?

Answer: 31.0 to 54.0 cm, depending on the species. see:

Where the blue tang lives?

The blue tang is a type of surgeonfish that live near reefs in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and the Mexican Gulf. These are herbivorous fish that are prey for carnivorous fish like the tuna.

How do blue tang escape from there predators?

In the coral reefs, they live in holes or creases, where they are safe from predators at night.